AltLayer integrates Sovereign SDK to simplify rollup deployment

Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2023


The rollups revolution is well underway! AltLayer’s groundbreaking rollup infrastructure, which enhances blockchain utility, interoperability, and security has now expanded its functionalities, seeing the growing demand for rollups for scaling needs. As part of this goal, AltLayer is delighted to announce that we are integrating Sovereign SDK into our RaaS [Rollups-as-a-Service] ecosystem.

About Sovereign

Sovereign is an ecosystem of seamlessly interoperable and scalable rollups that can run on any blockchain. Their SDK is a free, open-source toolkit for building both zk and optimistic rollups. It consists of:

  1. The Rollup Interface: A minimal set of interfaces that defines a rollup
  2. The Module System: An opinionated framework for building a rollup with the Rollup Interface
  3. The Full Node: a client implementation capable of running any rollup that implements the Rollup Interface.

The integration of several SDKs enables developers to leverage a blazing fast rollup framework, built with modularity in mind. The Sovereign SDK toolkit promises high performance and with its cutting-edge infrastructure, such as:

  • Full customizability (not enshrining a specific VM and enabling users to run any Rust code)
  • Fast, cheap & trustless bridging using proof aggregation
  • Best-in-class sequencer performance
  • Seamless portability between optimistic/ZK, DA layers, an ZK proof system choices

The SDKs have a host of benefits. They:

  1. provide a standard interface that enables rollups to communicate with data availability (DA) layers, making it easy for rollups to deploy on new data availability layers — and for new chains to support existing rollups
  2. integrate with cryptographic compilers, which means devs write code in standard programming languages that the SDK will automatically convert to business logic into a cryptographically verifiable form
  3. provide default implementations of common blockchain primitives like tokens, NFTs, and bridges.

Dr. Amrit Kumar, COO of AltLayer said: “Sovereign and AltLayer are on a similar path. We want to see the blockchain industry welcome a massive user base and to achieve this vision we make it easier to deploy fully customizable rollups. This collaboration combines the power of the expressive SDKs being developed by Sovereign and the no-code one-click deployment framework offered by AltLayer. With the combined offering, you don’t need to be an expert to take a great product to market.”

Sovereign is backed by the best in the field — from Haun, 1kx, EigenLayer, Celestia, and several top thinkers, builders, and researchers. AltLayer is delighted to have this cutting-edge feature added to our roster, and together usher in this ‘internet of rollups.

Developers can head over to this page to learn more about the SDKs! ******************



AltLayer Network is a runtime execution and elastic scaling layer for all blockchains.